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Only 2 things can change women’s mood- 1) I love you, 2) 50% Discount!!
If people talk behind your back, then Just Fart!!
Money talks but All mine every says is Goodbye!!
My husband thinks i am crazy, whereas he is the one that married me..
All my life i thought air was free, Until i bought a bag of chips.
With Great power, Comes great electricity bill.
Yes mam, I am drunk, but in the morning i’ll be sober and you’ll still be ugly..
I stopped fighting my inner demon, we are on the same side now.
Hard work never killed anybody, But why take a chance?
I will marry a girl that looks pretty in her adhaar card..!!
Women may not hit harder but they hit Lower…
Someone on his status is sleeping for 5 days, He might be dead…
I love to ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, coz i am still looking for ideas.
You call me lazy, truth is that i am on my energy saving mode.
Having one child makes you a parent, having 2 makes you a referee.
The day i was born, DEVIL said: Ohh Competition!!
Ofcourse i talk to myself, Every once in a while you do need expert advice!!